Physics - pre-requisites
- High school / grammar school physics level knowledge (physical units, basic laws, calculations without integration).
- Definition of vectors and scalars (direction of vector, components of vector, addition and subtraction, dot product, cross product).
- Basic knowledge of differential and integral calculus (one variable).
- Multivariable differential and integral calculus, Stokes law, Green law, Gauss-Ostrogradsky law.
Physics - scope of the lectures
- Physical units and laws. Structure of matter. Models of body (mass point, mass points system, and continuum). Newtonian mechanics. Relativistic and non-relativistic mechanics. Mass point kinematics. Kinematic quantities. Mass point motion (linear and circular).
- Field of forces (contacting and non-contacting forces). Conservative and non-conservative field of force. Field of gravitation and field of gravity. Newton's law of gravitation. Principle of satellite motion.
- Newton laws. Inertial and non-inertial coordinate systems. Application of Newton laws. Linear momentum. Conservation of linear momentum. Work, kinetic energy and potential energy. Conservation of energy.
- Oscillations (harmonic motion, single pendulum, undamped and damped oscillations, forced oscillations, resonance). Motion equations for oscillations.
- System of mass points. Centre of mass. Isolated and non-isolated physical system. Mass points' collision. Conservation of linear momentum.
- Rigid body. Linear and angular motion. Torque. Angular momentum. Moment of inertia. Parallel axis theorem. Force and linear momentum. Torque and angular momentum. Conservation of angular momentum. Kinetic energy for angular motion.
- Physics of continuum. Description of continuum. Surface and volume forces. Stress and strain. Stress tensor. Hooke's law. Equations of static equilibrium.
- Fluid mechanics. Basic properties of liquids and gases. Perfect fluid. Fluid motion. Classification of flow. Balance equation. Mass conservation law. Continuity relation. Euler equation. Bernoulli's principle.
- Application of Bernoulli's principle. Real fluid. Viscosity. Laminar and turbulent flow. Reynolds criteria. Circumfluence of objects. Surface stress.
- Elastic waves. Wave sources. Generation and propagation of waves. Wave equation. Huygens-Fresnel principle. Wave properties (interference, standing waves), Doppler effect. Energy of elastic waves.
- Thermodynamics. Thermodynamic system. Heat and temperature. Thermodynamic system state. State variables. Thermodynamic equilibrium. Zeroth law of thermodynamics. Ideal (perfect) gas. Ideal gas law. Van der Waals equation. Kinetic theory of gases. Internal energy of the gas. Equipartition theorem.
- Theory of the transport phenomena. Heat transfer (convection, conduction, radiation). Thermal resistance. Heat and work. Heat capacity. First law of thermodynamics. Quasi-static processes with ideal gas.
- Reversible and irreversible processes. Second law of thermodynamics. Carnot cycle. Third law of thermodynamics. Thermodynamic potentials. State of matter. Phase and phase diagrams. Phase transitions (melting, solidification, evaporation, condensation).