přihlášení odhlášení
uživatel: anonymní

[Laboratory rules]
  1. The laboratory exercises are compulsory; students should carry out all the laboratory measurements according to the timetable of the semester.
  2. The laboratory exercises take place regularly every week and start on time according to the timetable.
  3. The students carry out the laboratory tasks in laboratory groups of three. Every student laboratory group has its own physical tasks timetable. The tasks timetable is a table of compulsory measurements given for every group and every week in the semester. The timetable is available on the subject website.
  4. If the student cannot participate on the scheduled task due to any arbitrary reason, this task should be carried out on an alternate date (see the exercise timetable).
  5. Before the laboratory task is scheduled, the student is obliged to study the task content as a homework.
  6. All data generated in terms of the laboratory exercise should be handwritten or printed on the laboratory printer. Every laboratory group has its own data for post-processing. At the end of the exercise, all the data should be checked and signed by the teacher. Unsigned data are not valid for any post-processing and preparation of the measurement report.
  7. The measurement report should be processed by every laboratory group independently. The signed data should correspond with the calculations and the list of the signed data should be an integral part of the report. The report can be processed by hand or by PC.
  8. The measurement report should be delivered to the teacher by 2 weeks at the latest.
  9. The teacher is obliged to revise the report as soon as possible and should give a report quality feedback (classification A to F). If any corrections are needed, the laboratory group should make these corrections immediately or by the next exercise.
  10. Detailed information about the laboratory task is specified in the supporting material files. These files could be downloaded from the subject website.
  11. The students are obliged to follow the safety regulations during the measurement procedure. Any irresponsible and hazardous behaviour could be classified as an endangering of the rules and could be a reason to banish the student from the laboratory exercise.
  12. If there are any health problems that could notably affect the safety regulations or the student's behaviour, the student is obliged to inform the teacher about these problems.
  13. The list of the laboratory task equipment and the current state of the equipment should be checked by the students before the measurement starts. Any missing equipment or its malfunction should be notified to the teacher immediately. If the problem would be reported after the laboratory exercise, the possible reparation costs or a new equipment purchase could be paid by the laboratory group.
  14. Any electrical wiring prepared and connected by the students should be checked by the teacher first. Any electrical equipment damage due to its connection to an un-checked wiring would be covered by the laboratory student group.
  15. At the end of the laboratory exercise, the students should ask the teacher to check the correct operation of the laboratory equipment and to switch off all the power sources.
  16. Consuming any food and beverages in the laboratory is not allowed.
  17. Using of any personal electronic devices (cell phones, players, recorders, etc.) in the laboratory is not allowed.
  18. The assessment conditions are governed by specific regulations (see the subject website).
  19. The first-aid kit is located in the room H229.

Schoolyear: 2024/2025. Last modified: 23.09.2024 08:33:36. Vzniklo díky podpoře grantu FRVŠ 1344/2007.